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2010 Año Europeo de Lucha contra
la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social

The European Union is one of the richest areas in the world, and yet17% of its citizens lack of the basic needs. In every EU member state a part of the population is subject to exclusion and deprivation, frequently having limited access to basic services.

Poverty is often associated with developing countries, where a lack of food and drinking water can be a daily challenge. Europe is also affected by poverty and social exclusion. It may not be as severe, but it is nonetheless unacceptable.

Fighting against poverty and social exclusion is one of the key objectives of the EU. It means recognising the fundamental right of people in a situation of scarcity and social exclusion to live in dignity and play a full part in society by increasing public awareness of shared responsibility, participating and promoting a more cohesive society, disclosing adequate inclusion policies and renewing the pledge at all levels of authority in pursuit of the most appropriate action.

The European Parliament and the Council, by Decision 1098/2008/EC of 22nd October 2008, jointly declared 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.
The 2010 European Year aims to deliver its message of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion to all EU citizens and all public, social and economic stakeholders.

Más información www.2010againstpoverty.eu
